About Me

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I am a happy stay at home mom with three young children on quest to live the simple life. TO LOVE MY FAMILY WELL IS THE HEART OF WHO I AM.

Monday, May 3, 2021


I am excited to share with you my journey.  I am Melanie Keck also known as Happy Momma or Momma Keck. I love to cook and serve others.  I am a Momma bear.  I love to take care of others. I have spent my life working hard serving others as I journeyed through school and motherhood working with the elderly and handicapped, and most recently with those who suffer from the mental and emotional pain of addiction. 

I have always showed up with a smile on my face and words of encouragement for those that I serve. I have always served others well, but put myself last on the list. I was showing up for others in a good way, but not showing up for myself at all. 

 It hurt me as I got worse and worse inside. I began to hate myself,  I became obese and unhealthy,  my Metabolism slowed down to the point where I could not function hardly at all. I was stressed to the point of exhaustion, I hurt everywhere, and autoimmune diseases were setting in like a big black cancerous tumor. I was a total wreck My mind, body, and spirit were dying. I could not go on living like this.  

I began a journey to turn it around. I knew that this path was not a good one. I had to put on the brakes and stop the mental and emotional abuse of self. I had to turn it around. I have stopped the abuse of self and now I am on a journey to better health, wealth, and well-being.  I'm excited to share with you some of my experiences in living a joyful life  (now as well as from the past as I will be including some of the best advice from some of my previous blogs).  The best part is that I am taking and living that advice that I was giving. 

I have a wellspring of knowledge in my brain and soul. As I have journeyed I have spent many hours learning and understanding health and wellness from the inside out. There is so much to learn and I will continue on as it has become my passion.  I am ready to share this knowledge and help others begin on the path to healing and wholeness. 


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